Sunday, November 28, 2010

How is Pennsylvania's school system?

How is Pennsylvania's school system?
More specifically, how is Philadelphia's school system? Harrisburg? Allentown? Pittsburgh?
Philadelphia - 1 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
The same were ever you go to be honest with you. Same thing different location.. Look at crime rates int he individual areas.. Philidelphia is merely lost to drugs and crime.. they have a very high sex crime thing near colleges The rest are the same crime in every major city but Some parts of philly are nice to live.. The same as the other cities. Your better off moving to a small town outside of one of those cities and putting you kid in a smaller school with less class mates and more attention! Private school is about 300 a month and you can right it off on your taxes! This way you can look up parents rating that attend the school.

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