Black& Hispanic kids told to leave white country club swimming pool why was racism directed at these babies?
HUNTINGDON VALLEY, Pa. – The head of a private suburban Philadelphia swim club on Friday defended its cancellation of the memberships of dozens of minority children, saying safety, not racism, was the reason. "We deeply regret this whole situation," John Duesler, president of the board of directors of The Valley Club, told reporters Friday afternoon at the entrance to the club in the leafy suburb of Huntingdon Valley. The Creative Steps camp had arranged for 65 mostly black and Hispanic children to swim each Monday afternoon at the club this summer. But director Alethea Wright said that shortly after they arrived for their first visit, some children reported hearing racial comments, and the camp's $1,950 was refunded a few days later. Duesler said the number of children in the shallow section of the pool, many of them unable to swim, convinced officials that there was a problem. "It was definitely an unsafe situation," he said. The club's actions have prompted an investigation by the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission and made headlines across the country. Much of the attention has focused on an earlier statement by Duesler voicing concern that so many children would "change the complexion" or atmosphere of the club, which he acknowledged was "a terrible choice of words." "It was never my intention to imply anything in terms of racial makeup," he said. Duesler said he heard no racial comments from members and that any such remarks did not represent the club's position. Wright, however, said the club knew what size group to expect and had hosted a school group of a similar size a week earlier. She said the comments reported by children and the parents' actions after her group arrived told a different story. "If they're open to membership, why were parents pulling their children out and standing there with their arms crossed?" she said. Meanwhile, the director of another camp that also had its membership canceled said she believes the club's explanation that numbers and not ethnicity was the reason. "It was definitely an overcrowding issue," said Joanne Rosenthal of Storybook Children's Center of northeast Philadelphia. "It was obviously more than they were used to dealing with." Rosenthal said at least half of her 25-member group was made up of racial minorities, and their money was also returned after one visit. But she said she thought the group had been treated "extremely fairly." "It's not a small pool, but two-thirds of it is deep water, which children are not allowed in unless they have passed a deep-water test, so really, only one-third can be used." Rosenthal said. Storybook signed up with the private club because city pools were to be closed this summer because of budget cuts, but the nearby public pool did open after all and the children were swimming there, she said. Wright said several institutions had offered to host the Creative Steps children at their pools for the summer, and she planned to talk to parents to find out where they wanted their children to go. Meanwhile, the state commission has vowed to expedite an investigation after being inundated with calls from all over the country, according to spokeswoman Shannon Powers. "It got bumped to the top of the priority list, so were devoting an extraordinary amount of resources to investigating it," she said. "It's a matter we would like to see resolved quickly."
Immigration - 17 Answers
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They aren't babies. They're kids, around 11 or so, it seems to me. Also, why is this in immigration? (Oh, and it is disgusting how they were treated, btw. Racism is stupid)
if they were babies then there is your answer too young to be there but you question is too long to read too too long
It's Philly, what do you expect. Some the nation's most racist, bigoted, bitter old white people live there..
Because they were illegal aliens? What the hell is this doing in Immigration?
huh? what are your intentions with posting this in the immigration section? dont even think for a second that this justifies what the illegals to to our country. what your post states is only an independent case, and one that is irrelevant for those of us who are against illegals! being against ILLEGAL immigration has nothing to do with race! find something better to do instead of stirring things up on here.
That's Horrible and inexcusable. It's Total discrimination. How can people be like this? ** ** WOW... and people give me thumbs down? whats wrong with you? That just goes to show we have a number of racist butt holes here in this section of yahoo answers.
60 kids from the hood showed up raising hell and ended up getting kicked out. No doubt However this is the stuff that parents get all self righteous about. All those black kids mommas is gonna be going crazy over this screaming racism. All their friends and neighbors chime in, neighborhood hits the street, starts protesting, cops come in. Little incidents like this create tipping points. Race riots! Getcha race riots here!! Get 'em while they're hot!
Yes! Right! A swim club tries to help out a predominately minority group of kids just so they can throw them out and be called racists! On what planet do things like that happen? If they knew that none of the children could swim the whole problem might of been avoided! This is just bull cr@p and doesn't belong in immigration anyways!
Of course it was racism. Parents pulling children out of the pool, disgusting but typical. If Riot/Jill/ThatGurl/Bombastic etc etc can post stuff about Hispanics with no mention of legal status then everyone else has the right to do so..
Sad very sad .This is the reason we have so much trouble in this world.If safety was a issue then this should have been worked out after it was notice but to do this to children is just plain wrong.I believe probably both sides where at fault here.One side didn't see any problem with too many children being in a pool at one time and the other side saw that there where too many but went about solving the problem in the wrong way.Maybe the true reason was for safety but it could have been worked out Im sure.In the end you have children looking at adults acting like fools instead of working together to fix the problem.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats pretty funny but im not Racist but i know all of you will say i am so think whatever you want and i wouldnt be surprised if the people at the pool just got drive byed the next day.
I live in this area. The article failed to mention that the club also canceled swimming and returned money to two other children's groups,that were predominantly white,because the club could not handle the amount of children coming in. Most of them could not swim and there was not enough staff members to insure every ones safety. Funny that it gets spinned that the only group that was asked not to come back was a minority group when that wasn't the case at all.
.from the clubs website: The Pool is Filled! Come Enjoy our Great Club Friday, Saturday & Sunday! We Are Now Accepting Credit Cards Online! skin color must not be darker then the darkest tan of our white members!!! Visit Our Secure Online Application Page Here OR Download Our 2009 Full-time Membership App Here or our Part-time Membership App Here! community | facilities | contact | swim team | activities | memberships | staff | rules of operation > blacks and other minorites must agree to use the service entrance near the kitchen.
This is so dumb. Why didn't they just rotate and have the kids do some other activities at the place? Do they only have a pool? Also why not TEACH these kids how to swim. This sounds like bad planning. They mishandled it and it doesn't sound like it was a racist issue since they did the same to two mostly white groups. Added: They are suing the country club. There are websites to send a letter of protest about this incident. The country club has taken down its website. I doubt that they will be getting any new members... Philadelphia has a lot of non-whites. This kind of stuff would go by unnoticed in middle-America but not in Philadelphia. If they didn't want any minorities they should have never signed the contract with the camps, because they would not be able to screen the campters. I don't agree with that kind of segregation but it is a private club and they can discriminate but it was mean for them to do that to children.
I agree with lucero, it was mismanagement. they were looking at the dollar signs and not the amount of children and scheduling. If it was racially motivated, they should be shut down and prosecuted. But this does not say one word in the article about any immigration etc... what are you profiling Again.
I knew it was going to be about money. The black "victims" have already filed litigation. Mostly this story is just funny. I was a lifeguard at a mostly black pool once. The community center kids would fill up the pool. Now this was years ago, the kids were rowdy but all kids are rowdy. This might have been the reason, throwing in 60 kids into a private pool, I'd get out of the pool. I think lawsuits like this are pathetic. Who cares if they are racist? Black people are usually really racist themselves.
Monday, May 30, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Is this really the message Democrats want to send?
Is this really the message Democrats want to send? All schools in the Chester-Upland School District, near Philadelphia, are being closed Tuesday because of a Barrack Obama rally at nearby Widener University. For those not from the area, Chester, Pa. is one of the most economically depressed areas in the United States. A few years ago, when I was on a nearby school board, I saw reports that Chester was one of the 5 worst school districts out of the 500 in Pennsylvania. Why are all students being given the day off because Barrack Obama will be in town? If anyone needs a good education, it's kids from this city. I would understand if they gave a pass to any students who asked off to attend the rally, but why should they give every student off, K through 12? Meerschw... No, it would be no different if it was McCain and I made no claim that it would. I agree that children have the right to be informed & that the rally could be educational. That's why I said I'd understand giving a pass to students who want to attend the rally. I believe that this idea would provide more incentive for students to go, rather than just giving them off & letting them sleep in.
Elections - 5 Answers
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I would be outraged if my children attended that school, and the parents should be.
If the school is as bad as you say i dont think one day off is going to make it any worse
But it's ok if McCain were to come, right? Then it wouldn't be an issue- children have the right to be informed of politics and the election. That's what we would say. In my humble opinion, one day isn't too terrible. Kids get school days off for far worse reasons.
That's indoctrination.
As a general policy, I am against closing school for the reason you cite: education is so important. The exceptions are if there is legit educational benefit. For example, if the students were required to spend the day studying our election system. If traffic or safety is compromised to the extent that schools must be closed, then I think a rally should be moved. All schools in the Chester-Upland School District, near Philadelphia, are being closed Tuesday because of a Barrack Obama rally at nearby Widener University. For those not from the area, Chester, Pa. is one of the most economically depressed areas in the United States. A few years ago, when I was on a nearby school board, I saw reports that Chester was one of the 5 worst school districts out of the 500 in Pennsylvania. Why are all students being given the day off because Barrack Obama will be in town? If anyone needs a good education, it's kids from this city. I would understand if they gave a pass to any students who asked off to attend the rally, but why should they give every student off, K through 12? Meerschw... No, it would be no different if it was McCain and I made no claim that it would. I agree that children have the right to be informed & that the rally could be educational. That's why I said I'd understand giving a pass to students who want to attend the rally. I believe that this idea would provide more incentive for students to go, rather than just giving them off & letting them sleep in.
Elections - 5 Answers
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I would be outraged if my children attended that school, and the parents should be.
If the school is as bad as you say i dont think one day off is going to make it any worse
But it's ok if McCain were to come, right? Then it wouldn't be an issue- children have the right to be informed of politics and the election. That's what we would say. In my humble opinion, one day isn't too terrible. Kids get school days off for far worse reasons.
That's indoctrination.
As a general policy, I am against closing school for the reason you cite: education is so important. The exceptions are if there is legit educational benefit. For example, if the students were required to spend the day studying our election system. If traffic or safety is compromised to the extent that schools must be closed, then I think a rally should be moved.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
UPenn admissions essay prompt?
UPenn admissions essay prompt?
Benjamin Franklin established the Union Fire Company, the Library Company of Philadelphia, the American Philosophical Society, Pennsylvania Hospital, and, of course, the charity school that evolved into the University of Pennsylvania. As they served the larger community of Philadelphia, each institution in turn formed its own community. I was reading the essay prompt for the University of Pennsylvania and I wasn't sure what it means by "academic communities." I'm pretty sure that "social communities" refers to clubs and organizations and such, but can academic communities include clubs, or is it referring to the different schools at Penn? I appreciate any help. Thank you! Which of the academic communities and social communities that now comprise the University of Pennsylvania are most interesting to you and how will you contribute to them and to the larger Penn community?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Good question. Before reading this, I just assumed they meant one of the "the Union Fire Company, the Library Company of Philadelphia, the American Philosophical Society, Pennsylvania Hospital, and, of course, the charity school that evolved into the University of Pennsylvania" communities, but now you have placed some doubt in my head. But still I'm inclined to believe they mean one of them, and I think I will base my essay on one of them, probably like the American Philosophical Society because of my interest in philosophy, and just ramble about how great Penn's communities are and how much I could contribute to the Philosophical society. So in answer to your question, I think the academic communities include the things I put in quotes and maybe some other stuff. If you're really curious I would research it further, but if you just want to be able to write a good essay that answers what they're looking for I would just pick one of the communities in quotes and talk about it. The other essay prompt for UPenn was by farther the superior. "You have just completed your 300-page autobiography. Please submit page 217." When I first read that I was at first shocked, then laughed out loud, then seriously considered going to Penn. And that prompt remains one of my greatest reasons in considering Penn, lol. Sorry I don't know of how much help this was to you, but good luck!
I've been wondering the same thing. I just called the Penn admissions office and asked if they could clarify the question, and he told me: What they really want to know is which aspects are most appealing that draw you to be interested in UPenn, and why are you a good fit for Penn (based on its academic and/or social community). He said that's what they asked in the past--basically, "Why Penn?"-- and we shouldn't stress over the terms they use like "academic and social communities." Really, just how is Penn good for you and how are you good for Penn; the question is a lot more complicated than what they want to know. I also asked if they want us to refer back to the "institutions" they mentioned, and he said they're not really asking for that either. I hope that helps. I called (215) 898-7507, if you want to ask them any more questions. Good luck!
Benjamin Franklin established the Union Fire Company, the Library Company of Philadelphia, the American Philosophical Society, Pennsylvania Hospital, and, of course, the charity school that evolved into the University of Pennsylvania. As they served the larger community of Philadelphia, each institution in turn formed its own community. I was reading the essay prompt for the University of Pennsylvania and I wasn't sure what it means by "academic communities." I'm pretty sure that "social communities" refers to clubs and organizations and such, but can academic communities include clubs, or is it referring to the different schools at Penn? I appreciate any help. Thank you! Which of the academic communities and social communities that now comprise the University of Pennsylvania are most interesting to you and how will you contribute to them and to the larger Penn community?
Higher Education (University +) - 2 Answers
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Good question. Before reading this, I just assumed they meant one of the "the Union Fire Company, the Library Company of Philadelphia, the American Philosophical Society, Pennsylvania Hospital, and, of course, the charity school that evolved into the University of Pennsylvania" communities, but now you have placed some doubt in my head. But still I'm inclined to believe they mean one of them, and I think I will base my essay on one of them, probably like the American Philosophical Society because of my interest in philosophy, and just ramble about how great Penn's communities are and how much I could contribute to the Philosophical society. So in answer to your question, I think the academic communities include the things I put in quotes and maybe some other stuff. If you're really curious I would research it further, but if you just want to be able to write a good essay that answers what they're looking for I would just pick one of the communities in quotes and talk about it. The other essay prompt for UPenn was by farther the superior. "You have just completed your 300-page autobiography. Please submit page 217." When I first read that I was at first shocked, then laughed out loud, then seriously considered going to Penn. And that prompt remains one of my greatest reasons in considering Penn, lol. Sorry I don't know of how much help this was to you, but good luck!
I've been wondering the same thing. I just called the Penn admissions office and asked if they could clarify the question, and he told me: What they really want to know is which aspects are most appealing that draw you to be interested in UPenn, and why are you a good fit for Penn (based on its academic and/or social community). He said that's what they asked in the past--basically, "Why Penn?"-- and we shouldn't stress over the terms they use like "academic and social communities." Really, just how is Penn good for you and how are you good for Penn; the question is a lot more complicated than what they want to know. I also asked if they want us to refer back to the "institutions" they mentioned, and he said they're not really asking for that either. I hope that helps. I called (215) 898-7507, if you want to ask them any more questions. Good luck!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
What do I need to do in order to teach in California??? (I am certified to teach in PA)?
What do I need to do in order to teach in California??? (I am certified to teach in PA)?
I am a certified teacher in Pennsylvania and am employed by the School District of Philadelphia. I have taught for a year. However, now I am planning on relocating to San Diego, California. What EXACTLY do I have to do in order to teach there?? I am aware that I have to pass the CBEST exam, which I have already signed up for. Is it true that I have to take other courses to get my certification in California?????? Please help.. I am getting very stressed out!.
Teaching - 1 Answers
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How do I become a teacher in California?
I am a certified teacher in Pennsylvania and am employed by the School District of Philadelphia. I have taught for a year. However, now I am planning on relocating to San Diego, California. What EXACTLY do I have to do in order to teach there?? I am aware that I have to pass the CBEST exam, which I have already signed up for. Is it true that I have to take other courses to get my certification in California?????? Please help.. I am getting very stressed out!.
Teaching - 1 Answers
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How do I become a teacher in California?
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Question about Sochi Olympics
Question about Sochi Olympics?
I have a dream of meeting Shaun White. A huge dream! I have wanted to meet him since the 2006 Olympics when I was only 12. I am currently 16 (turning 17) and a junior in high school in Pennsylvania, USA. I am planning on either going to the Dew Tour, Winter X Games, or 2014 Sochi Olympics. I would rather go to the Olympics, since it might be his last run in the Olympics. Anyway, I had a couple of questions about the Olympics coming up in Sochi… 1.When can you start buying event tickets?? I want to buy them as soon as possible to get closer seats and so I make sure I have them. 2.Roughly how much would a round trip plane ticket cost? I would probably be flying out from Washington D.C., Philadelphia, or Baltimore. 3.Roughly how much would a hotel cost for each day? 4.I saw the Men’s Halfpipe event ticket cost $150 for the A Level, would it be roughly the same in Sochi? 5.Do the people who work at the Olympics know English? (I’m learning Russian anyway, but I’m still a beginner.)
Olympics - 1 Answers
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1) Probably in a couple of years. They don't even have venues yet, in many cases not even detailed designs, so can't apportion tickets yet. 2) Figure on $3000 plus in 2010 dollars. There are few direct routes, you'll be taking three or four segments. 3) No idea, but given the lack of space, it will be high. Figure several hundred per day for what would be considered a 2 star hotel n the US. 4) Probably similar, although interest will be much lower in Sochi than Vancouver, plus a much lower average income for locals, which could lower the cost. 5) Sochi is working on that. Right now, very few people in the city speak English. They are working to teach locals the language, and all events will have SOME English speaking people, but don't be surprised if you have a hard time in town.
I have a dream of meeting Shaun White. A huge dream! I have wanted to meet him since the 2006 Olympics when I was only 12. I am currently 16 (turning 17) and a junior in high school in Pennsylvania, USA. I am planning on either going to the Dew Tour, Winter X Games, or 2014 Sochi Olympics. I would rather go to the Olympics, since it might be his last run in the Olympics. Anyway, I had a couple of questions about the Olympics coming up in Sochi… 1.When can you start buying event tickets?? I want to buy them as soon as possible to get closer seats and so I make sure I have them. 2.Roughly how much would a round trip plane ticket cost? I would probably be flying out from Washington D.C., Philadelphia, or Baltimore. 3.Roughly how much would a hotel cost for each day? 4.I saw the Men’s Halfpipe event ticket cost $150 for the A Level, would it be roughly the same in Sochi? 5.Do the people who work at the Olympics know English? (I’m learning Russian anyway, but I’m still a beginner.)
Olympics - 1 Answers
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1) Probably in a couple of years. They don't even have venues yet, in many cases not even detailed designs, so can't apportion tickets yet. 2) Figure on $3000 plus in 2010 dollars. There are few direct routes, you'll be taking three or four segments. 3) No idea, but given the lack of space, it will be high. Figure several hundred per day for what would be considered a 2 star hotel n the US. 4) Probably similar, although interest will be much lower in Sochi than Vancouver, plus a much lower average income for locals, which could lower the cost. 5) Sochi is working on that. Right now, very few people in the city speak English. They are working to teach locals the language, and all events will have SOME English speaking people, but don't be surprised if you have a hard time in town.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Question about Sochi Olympics?
Question about Sochi Olympics?
I have a dream of meeting Shaun White. A huge dream! I have wanted to meet him since the 2006 Olympics when I was only 12. I am currently 16 (turning 17) and a junior in high school in Pennsylvania, USA. I am planning on either going to the Dew Tour, Winter X Games, or 2014 Sochi Olympics. I would rather go to the Olympics, since it might be his last run in the Olympics. Anyway, I had a couple of questions about the Olympics coming up in Sochi… 1. When can you start buying event tickets?? I want to buy them as soon as possible to get closer seats and so I make sure I have them. 2. Roughly how much would a round trip plane ticket cost? I would probably be flying out from Washington D.C., Philadelphia, or Baltimore. 3. Roughly how much would a hotel cost for each day? 4. I saw the Men’s Halfpipe event ticket cost $150 for the A Level, would it be roughly the same in Sochi? 5. Do the people who work at the Olympics know English? (I’m learning Russian anyway, but I’m still a beginner.)
Olympics - 1 Answers
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your best shot will be the X games.. more than likely you will spend close to $20 grand for flight motels and tickets for the Sochi games
I have a dream of meeting Shaun White. A huge dream! I have wanted to meet him since the 2006 Olympics when I was only 12. I am currently 16 (turning 17) and a junior in high school in Pennsylvania, USA. I am planning on either going to the Dew Tour, Winter X Games, or 2014 Sochi Olympics. I would rather go to the Olympics, since it might be his last run in the Olympics. Anyway, I had a couple of questions about the Olympics coming up in Sochi… 1. When can you start buying event tickets?? I want to buy them as soon as possible to get closer seats and so I make sure I have them. 2. Roughly how much would a round trip plane ticket cost? I would probably be flying out from Washington D.C., Philadelphia, or Baltimore. 3. Roughly how much would a hotel cost for each day? 4. I saw the Men’s Halfpipe event ticket cost $150 for the A Level, would it be roughly the same in Sochi? 5. Do the people who work at the Olympics know English? (I’m learning Russian anyway, but I’m still a beginner.)
Olympics - 1 Answers
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your best shot will be the X games.. more than likely you will spend close to $20 grand for flight motels and tickets for the Sochi games
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
How can I win my relocation case?
How can I win my relocation case?
This is going to be fairly lengthy, but here is my situation. I am a person who is full of ambition. I am always on the look out for ways to improve my life and the life of my four year old son. This has been exceedingly difficult after my marriage failed and my ex left me for another woman (this was the second time he did this). Since our separation in September of 2007, he barely takes the time to see his son and even has the nerve to put his girlfriend and involving himself in local theatre before him. This has caused so many arguments and threats to take him to court. He has also done things that were reckless involving our son including showing up for a visit three hours late drunk and stating he "forgot" that it was a co-worker's birthday that night (he never even bothered to call to say he was going to be late or wasn't coming). He also left me home alone with our son three days after an operation and on Vicodin for the pain to meet up with his girlfriend (while we were still together). I was unable to get out of bed when he woke up in the middle of the night crying, nor could I pick him up as I couldn't lift over 20 pounds. He has also requested moving his visitation day from Wednesday, because his girlfriend has off on Wednesday nights and he'd like to spend the time with her. Most recently, after I took our son on a three week vacation to Ohio, I asked my ex if he would be taking our son on a vacation this year. His answer was "probably not, because (he) wants to take (insert girlfriend's name) somewhere nice for vacation". This is just naming a few instances. With that bit of background in mind, I can go into my question. Almost a year ago, I started seeing someone. This happened very unexpectedly, but I'm glad it happened. He has really encouraged me to find better for my son and I. This something better is something that I cannot give us where I am at. This eventually lead to my decision to relocate to Northwestern Ohio, where my boyfriend resides. I am currently living in southeastern Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia. My decision was finalized when I lost my job back in April. I have been searching for work since January, since I wanted to get away from the place I was at, and have found nothing. I may end up losing my apartment, because they may take a look at my income and see that I am currently depending on unemployment and child support. Unemployment runs out eventually, and child support would only cover my rent. They'll view it as my being unable to afford this place. The cost of living in my area is VERY high. Over in Ohio, I've been able to find work at the pay rate that I was receiving at my previous job. The cost of living is also lower, which would allow me to be able to afford a place to live and all living expenses. The crime rate is also significantly lower, and the school district we are looking into is above average in testing. I know the schools in my area are blue ribbon schools, however from experience, I can say that a blue ribbon does not make the school a good school to attend. I have been doing extensive research on relocation and child custody, and I am making lists of reasons why this would help improve quality of life for my son and myself. Mind you, the boyfriend being there is a minimal factor, as we probably won't even be living together right away. He wants to finish his schooling, and I want to be more established there before we take that step. Since the day I found out I was pregnant, I have ALWAYS had my son's best interests at heart. I have done everything in my power to make sure he lives a happy and healthy life. Do I think he'll be better off without his father? No. I want him to have a relationship with him, but at the same time-given where that man's priorities are-our son would not be better off living with him for the aforementioned reasons. I have proposed a realistic custody arrangement which would allow him to see our son more than he does now, and I have offered to compensate for the cost of travel. I know it's a seven hour drive and it's still a hike even though I've offered to meet half way once a month and fly out with him once a month, but it is still a very realistic agreement. I would also allow him to take him for the summer, if he's willing to take that time to spend with his son. I also said I would waive child support for that duration, since he would obviously be able to support him with him visiting over there. Holidays would be alternating and would also be decided upon school schedules when he starts in fall of 2010. My question is, what can I do to be able to win this case? My ex is fighting it, and the reasons he has given really make me question his reasons behind fighting. He has said he wants to be there if our son is sick, yet regardless of having time off when I didn't, he never took off to take care of him...I did. He has mentioned the fact that I didn't up and move to England to be with him when we were deci
Other - Family & Relationships - 1 Answers
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Ok .. so chart and document the things you have said here with reguard to his habbits and lack of planning with his son. Visitation is an issue courts deal with daily .. in short the court can't force you to stay where you have no employment and no place to live. You may wish to suggest or confirm you have a job where you are moving to . . .hint hint. The when and where for visitation can be worked out but ... get a lawyer .. make is very clear and concise ..... Good Luck.
This is going to be fairly lengthy, but here is my situation. I am a person who is full of ambition. I am always on the look out for ways to improve my life and the life of my four year old son. This has been exceedingly difficult after my marriage failed and my ex left me for another woman (this was the second time he did this). Since our separation in September of 2007, he barely takes the time to see his son and even has the nerve to put his girlfriend and involving himself in local theatre before him. This has caused so many arguments and threats to take him to court. He has also done things that were reckless involving our son including showing up for a visit three hours late drunk and stating he "forgot" that it was a co-worker's birthday that night (he never even bothered to call to say he was going to be late or wasn't coming). He also left me home alone with our son three days after an operation and on Vicodin for the pain to meet up with his girlfriend (while we were still together). I was unable to get out of bed when he woke up in the middle of the night crying, nor could I pick him up as I couldn't lift over 20 pounds. He has also requested moving his visitation day from Wednesday, because his girlfriend has off on Wednesday nights and he'd like to spend the time with her. Most recently, after I took our son on a three week vacation to Ohio, I asked my ex if he would be taking our son on a vacation this year. His answer was "probably not, because (he) wants to take (insert girlfriend's name) somewhere nice for vacation". This is just naming a few instances. With that bit of background in mind, I can go into my question. Almost a year ago, I started seeing someone. This happened very unexpectedly, but I'm glad it happened. He has really encouraged me to find better for my son and I. This something better is something that I cannot give us where I am at. This eventually lead to my decision to relocate to Northwestern Ohio, where my boyfriend resides. I am currently living in southeastern Pennsylvania, near Philadelphia. My decision was finalized when I lost my job back in April. I have been searching for work since January, since I wanted to get away from the place I was at, and have found nothing. I may end up losing my apartment, because they may take a look at my income and see that I am currently depending on unemployment and child support. Unemployment runs out eventually, and child support would only cover my rent. They'll view it as my being unable to afford this place. The cost of living in my area is VERY high. Over in Ohio, I've been able to find work at the pay rate that I was receiving at my previous job. The cost of living is also lower, which would allow me to be able to afford a place to live and all living expenses. The crime rate is also significantly lower, and the school district we are looking into is above average in testing. I know the schools in my area are blue ribbon schools, however from experience, I can say that a blue ribbon does not make the school a good school to attend. I have been doing extensive research on relocation and child custody, and I am making lists of reasons why this would help improve quality of life for my son and myself. Mind you, the boyfriend being there is a minimal factor, as we probably won't even be living together right away. He wants to finish his schooling, and I want to be more established there before we take that step. Since the day I found out I was pregnant, I have ALWAYS had my son's best interests at heart. I have done everything in my power to make sure he lives a happy and healthy life. Do I think he'll be better off without his father? No. I want him to have a relationship with him, but at the same time-given where that man's priorities are-our son would not be better off living with him for the aforementioned reasons. I have proposed a realistic custody arrangement which would allow him to see our son more than he does now, and I have offered to compensate for the cost of travel. I know it's a seven hour drive and it's still a hike even though I've offered to meet half way once a month and fly out with him once a month, but it is still a very realistic agreement. I would also allow him to take him for the summer, if he's willing to take that time to spend with his son. I also said I would waive child support for that duration, since he would obviously be able to support him with him visiting over there. Holidays would be alternating and would also be decided upon school schedules when he starts in fall of 2010. My question is, what can I do to be able to win this case? My ex is fighting it, and the reasons he has given really make me question his reasons behind fighting. He has said he wants to be there if our son is sick, yet regardless of having time off when I didn't, he never took off to take care of him...I did. He has mentioned the fact that I didn't up and move to England to be with him when we were deci
Other - Family & Relationships - 1 Answers
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Ok .. so chart and document the things you have said here with reguard to his habbits and lack of planning with his son. Visitation is an issue courts deal with daily .. in short the court can't force you to stay where you have no employment and no place to live. You may wish to suggest or confirm you have a job where you are moving to . . .hint hint. The when and where for visitation can be worked out but ... get a lawyer .. make is very clear and concise ..... Good Luck.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Best Graphic Design/Film Institute? ?
Best Graphic Design/Film Institute? ?
I'm attending a national portfolio day tomorrow to get some critique about my work. From the list below, which colleges/institutions would you suggest I talk to? (The best ones for graphic/film) Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA PrattMWP, Utica, NY Columbus College of Art & Design, Columbus, OH The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA Parson-Paris School of Art & Design, Paris Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts, Old Lyme, CT The Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, OH Corcoran College of Art + Design, Washington, DC Parsons The New School for Design, New York, NY Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA Cooper Union School of Art, New York, NY FIDM/The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Los Angeles, CA Delaware College of Art & Design, Wilmington, DE Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY Ringling College of Art and Design, Sarasota, FL The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA Art Academy of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH School of Visual Arts, New York, NY New Hampshire Institute of Art, Manchester, NH Memphis College of Art, Memphis, TN College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI VCUarts, Richmond, VA
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Graphic Design and Film are usually two separate majors, often in completely different departments/colleges in a university. I don't have expertise in film but I teach graphic design. The following are schools I take seriously. There may be others from the list you gave, but I'm not familiar with them -- especially west coast. These are excellent schools for graphic design -- not in any particular order. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD Ringling College of Art and Design, Sarasota, FL The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA VCUarts, Richmond, VA Design is a great career but it is very competitive, so a good education is critical. Enjoy the portfolio day. Good luck!
I'm attending a national portfolio day tomorrow to get some critique about my work. From the list below, which colleges/institutions would you suggest I talk to? (The best ones for graphic/film) Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA PrattMWP, Utica, NY Columbus College of Art & Design, Columbus, OH The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA James Madison University, Harrisonburg, VA Parson-Paris School of Art & Design, Paris Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts, Old Lyme, CT The Cleveland Institute of Art, Cleveland, OH Corcoran College of Art + Design, Washington, DC Parsons The New School for Design, New York, NY Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA Cooper Union School of Art, New York, NY FIDM/The Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, Los Angeles, CA Delaware College of Art & Design, Wilmington, DE Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, NY Ringling College of Art and Design, Sarasota, FL The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA Art Academy of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH School of Visual Arts, New York, NY New Hampshire Institute of Art, Manchester, NH Memphis College of Art, Memphis, TN College for Creative Studies, Detroit, MI VCUarts, Richmond, VA
Higher Education (University +) - 1 Answers
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Graphic Design and Film are usually two separate majors, often in completely different departments/colleges in a university. I don't have expertise in film but I teach graphic design. The following are schools I take seriously. There may be others from the list you gave, but I'm not familiar with them -- especially west coast. These are excellent schools for graphic design -- not in any particular order. Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, MO Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD Ringling College of Art and Design, Sarasota, FL The University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA VCUarts, Richmond, VA Design is a great career but it is very competitive, so a good education is critical. Enjoy the portfolio day. Good luck!
Friday, May 6, 2011
VA loan, cheap house, work question - maybe I watch too much HGTV but this is a dream of mine?
VA loan, cheap house, work question - maybe I watch too much HGTV but this is a dream of mine?
I have 18 months left in the service and I'm seriously thinking about buying a home and would appreciate some advice or tales of experience here. I can't wrap my head around renting for a few years and throwing all that money away, to be honest, and a goal of mine has always been to own my own home. I'm looking at living in SE Pennsylvania, ideally in Philadelphia and working and going to school on my GI Bill. I've looked and keep running across fixer-uppers or outdated homes for the price of a new car. I'd like to get a loan for 50k for a ten or 15 year period (even with a low credit score, the monthly payments are around $650, which is manageable even with a part time job). 35k would go toward purchase of the house, with 10-15k set aside for repairs, new roof, flooring, kitchen or bathroom, new water heater, etc. As long as the place is liveable and the repairs mostly cosmetic, I wouldn't mind living floorless or wall-less for a while and doing some work myself. I understand HGTV makes it look much easier than real life, haha. Also, my motivation here is not to "flip" a house or make some ridiculous profit in a short time, but to create a home. Is this feasible? What problems do you see in the plan? Have you done anything like this? Thanks! Thanks! This would be my first time around with real estate - so I expect there are a LOT of things I don't know. Please keep the great input flowing - I'm learning. :) Ideally, I'll be saving for a down payment and emergency fund over the next 18 months. tag-on Question: Is a home loan given for the value of the house, or for a set amount? Could you theoretically borrow 80k and put 60k toward renovations on a 20k house?
Renting & Real Estate - 3 Answers
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You are forgetting couple BIG things when you computed the loan payments. Surely, for $50K loan for 15 years at 10% (you said bad credit) would equal to $537 a month. On top of it, there will be a private mortgage insurance, escrow for home owner's insurance + tax, and you'd easily be paying $900 a month. What would happen if you need new roof, new plumbing, or A/C? Each of them will cost you $5K to $10K. Can you handle that? Worst case scenario... what happens if there are serious structural problems? If the house is worth $35K, you can get a loan for $35K. Especially not-so-great credit, the bank will loan you over the value of the house. Also, you'd find, $10K will go VERY quickly....
If you get your loan for a 30 year period it will be more affordable. Don't forget that most people have insurance and taxes going into an escrow account so they don't have to pay it out of their pocket each year and that makes your mortgage an extra $150-$200 a month (depending on your taxes) You can always make larger payments on your loan if you can afford it. If you're not looking to live right in the city, you could get a nice house for $50K. Also, the VA will guarantee your loan to the mortgage company. So your credit doesn't need to be as good as a civilian's would. It helps to have 20% of the cost of the home for a down payment but you may be able to get out of that. I got my house with no money down, but I'm not sure if it was because of the VA guarantee or because that's just the way the market was five years ago. It wouldn't hurt you to talk to a mortgage agent just to get your facts in line, since the rules and regulations seem to change a lot and vary from place to place. I wouldn't worry about repair costs so much like the other guy was saying. Just make sure you have the home inspected before you buy it and don't buy something that needs a new roof or furnace. OR you can get the mortgage company to give you a larger loan to take care of those things before you move in. Also, credit card companies practically throw credit cards at you when you're a home owner, if you don't go nuts and max them out you'll have that extra credit lying around for emergencies. I use mine for small purchases and then pay them off right away. My limits went from being $500-$1000 five years ago to $10,000 now just from using them responsibly. - - - When I got my home loan I got it for a few thousand over the value of the house, but like I said that was a few years ago and the economy was different. I think the VA may have even covered my closing costs as well.
All very good advice so far...I'm not familiar with DIY renovating, but I am in the real estate industry. If you choose to set up an escrow account for taxes and insurance your monthly payment will go up, if you do not, your monthly payment will be lower but you will still be responsible for paying your homeowners insurance and taxes at the end of the year, It just will not be included in your mortgage payment. If you are good at saving up, then you can opt out of the Escrow Account and open a savings account, but just be prepared for that tax bill come the end of the year! (personal opinion... Escrow Account is the way to go) Also keep in mind that Home Owners' Association (if there is one) fees are not included in your mortgage pymt. so that will be an extra annual fee that goes with owning a home. I'm not familiar with PA but In TX the VA hires an appraiser to do the appraisal of the home, this could effect the amount you can borrow under a VA loan, definitely consult a loan officer. Good Luck.
I have 18 months left in the service and I'm seriously thinking about buying a home and would appreciate some advice or tales of experience here. I can't wrap my head around renting for a few years and throwing all that money away, to be honest, and a goal of mine has always been to own my own home. I'm looking at living in SE Pennsylvania, ideally in Philadelphia and working and going to school on my GI Bill. I've looked and keep running across fixer-uppers or outdated homes for the price of a new car. I'd like to get a loan for 50k for a ten or 15 year period (even with a low credit score, the monthly payments are around $650, which is manageable even with a part time job). 35k would go toward purchase of the house, with 10-15k set aside for repairs, new roof, flooring, kitchen or bathroom, new water heater, etc. As long as the place is liveable and the repairs mostly cosmetic, I wouldn't mind living floorless or wall-less for a while and doing some work myself. I understand HGTV makes it look much easier than real life, haha. Also, my motivation here is not to "flip" a house or make some ridiculous profit in a short time, but to create a home. Is this feasible? What problems do you see in the plan? Have you done anything like this? Thanks! Thanks! This would be my first time around with real estate - so I expect there are a LOT of things I don't know. Please keep the great input flowing - I'm learning. :) Ideally, I'll be saving for a down payment and emergency fund over the next 18 months. tag-on Question: Is a home loan given for the value of the house, or for a set amount? Could you theoretically borrow 80k and put 60k toward renovations on a 20k house?
Renting & Real Estate - 3 Answers
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You are forgetting couple BIG things when you computed the loan payments. Surely, for $50K loan for 15 years at 10% (you said bad credit) would equal to $537 a month. On top of it, there will be a private mortgage insurance, escrow for home owner's insurance + tax, and you'd easily be paying $900 a month. What would happen if you need new roof, new plumbing, or A/C? Each of them will cost you $5K to $10K. Can you handle that? Worst case scenario... what happens if there are serious structural problems? If the house is worth $35K, you can get a loan for $35K. Especially not-so-great credit, the bank will loan you over the value of the house. Also, you'd find, $10K will go VERY quickly....
If you get your loan for a 30 year period it will be more affordable. Don't forget that most people have insurance and taxes going into an escrow account so they don't have to pay it out of their pocket each year and that makes your mortgage an extra $150-$200 a month (depending on your taxes) You can always make larger payments on your loan if you can afford it. If you're not looking to live right in the city, you could get a nice house for $50K. Also, the VA will guarantee your loan to the mortgage company. So your credit doesn't need to be as good as a civilian's would. It helps to have 20% of the cost of the home for a down payment but you may be able to get out of that. I got my house with no money down, but I'm not sure if it was because of the VA guarantee or because that's just the way the market was five years ago. It wouldn't hurt you to talk to a mortgage agent just to get your facts in line, since the rules and regulations seem to change a lot and vary from place to place. I wouldn't worry about repair costs so much like the other guy was saying. Just make sure you have the home inspected before you buy it and don't buy something that needs a new roof or furnace. OR you can get the mortgage company to give you a larger loan to take care of those things before you move in. Also, credit card companies practically throw credit cards at you when you're a home owner, if you don't go nuts and max them out you'll have that extra credit lying around for emergencies. I use mine for small purchases and then pay them off right away. My limits went from being $500-$1000 five years ago to $10,000 now just from using them responsibly. - - - When I got my home loan I got it for a few thousand over the value of the house, but like I said that was a few years ago and the economy was different. I think the VA may have even covered my closing costs as well.
All very good advice so far...I'm not familiar with DIY renovating, but I am in the real estate industry. If you choose to set up an escrow account for taxes and insurance your monthly payment will go up, if you do not, your monthly payment will be lower but you will still be responsible for paying your homeowners insurance and taxes at the end of the year, It just will not be included in your mortgage payment. If you are good at saving up, then you can opt out of the Escrow Account and open a savings account, but just be prepared for that tax bill come the end of the year! (personal opinion... Escrow Account is the way to go) Also keep in mind that Home Owners' Association (if there is one) fees are not included in your mortgage pymt. so that will be an extra annual fee that goes with owning a home. I'm not familiar with PA but In TX the VA hires an appraiser to do the appraisal of the home, this could effect the amount you can borrow under a VA loan, definitely consult a loan officer. Good Luck.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Why does it seem like America is run by little children?
Why does it seem like America is run by little children?
I swear, how stupid are people here? I'm watching this piece on TV about the high murder rate in Philadelphia, and Anderson Cooper is essentially blaming it on the high number of guns in the city and gun laws in Pennsylvania. GIVE ME A BREAK! How about blaming the drug dealers and thugs in the city? That's why the guns are there! How about blaming the economy and poverty there! I just love that people here are still trying to figure out why schools are so bad. Hmmm, maybe it's because schools hire the crappiest, dumbest teachers and the laws have basically encouraged kids not to respect or listen to teachers in class? Maybe it's the idiot parents who think school is just for babysitting? I love how people here encourage the war in Iraq, the idolatry of the military, police, firefighters and sports stars over health care, a stable economy and a proper infrastructure! Are monkeys in control of America?
Politics - 18 Answers
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I picture a monkey with one of those goofy grins on his face right now. Everyone has the answers to Americas problems but no one seems to have any viable solutions.
Maybe. And YA.
I full heartedly agree. All good points.
Yes, and the president is the head chimp:
not monkeys, I think it is elephant maybe soon it well be a donkey...... But either way america has a lot of serious internal problems to deal with instead of trying to be the biggest bully to the world.
Liberalism is to blame Liberals made soft-on-crime laws Liberals prevented honest people from having guns to protect themselves
1. The saying "You get the government you deserve" usually applies 2. If a person focuses on the negative, they will become negative 3. Anyone can change their circumstances, IF they want to. It usually involves some hard work, which some people are allergic to .
I - sort of - I think agree with you - except about the education part. If we spent one TENTH of the half-trillion dollars that George Bush has SQUANDERED on the bogus "war" in Iraq, on health care AND education, we could fund every "liberal" plan on the table. I do not understand why people don't get this.
How about placing the blame where it belongs...on the people that commit the acts.
guns don't kill people , people kill people... Cooper is a socialist puppet controlled by the liberals...
I don't 100% agree... I believe that the American Populace is acting like Children thinking it is the Government's responsibility to take care of them. The Government is simply taking advantage of that in consolidating more and more power. Healthcare is not the Government's responsibility, heck, I don't trust the government in terms of health care at all. A stable economy doesn't come through government intervention, it comes through the people making the economy stable, by not being stupid. Proper Infrastructure, that is on are where I believe it is the government's responsibility; of course since they can't handle this, do we really want them handling our healthcare?
well if it is you are still an infant just like anderson cooper you want to blame an entity that has no more influence on humans than a grain of sand ITS PEOPLE WHO SHOOT PEOPLE PEOPLE WHO DON'T STUDY NO ONE LIKES WAR ...911 CHANGED IT ALL AGAIN ITS PEOPLE WHO KILL PEOPLE not airplanes, handguns or textbooks... but when you get alittle older maybe you will realize the government does not know best how to run your life YOU DO... but until then you have your real puppet masters hillary and obomma " telling you : what you need , IF ONLY YOU WILL GIVE THEM CONTROL OVER EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE .. dont you get it dude ?
1. Americans aren't smart enough to understand the real issues and real solutions require more brains, skill and diplomacy than your average politician possesses. 2. America's policies are driven by the special interest groups who own the politicians. 3. News program ratings would drop if they presented their viewers with a real analysis of the problems and solutions. Chronic consumers of mass media just don't have the attention span for that type of thing.
OK fella, check this out. Did you see Anderson Cooper during Katrina? Talk about a journalist in training! Even my tree hugging, fish kissing mother was appalled at his lack of professionalism. We all know Katrina was bad, the pictures spoke louder and more clearly than that idiot Cooper. He has proven himself to be nothing more than the laughingstock of the journalism world (if you take the NYT out of qualifying). Typical Democrat practice is to blame an object we can keep out of the children's hands. No personal Responsibility. It is all the fault of the Constitution! I think we all should exhume the founding fathers so we can hang them all from the gallows! How could they let guns become the property of people!
Here's what we need to do to change things: Our country, for the average American citizen, is almost destroyed. We need to put politicians in both parties on notice. We keep the Constitution, hold special elections--first have a yea or nay no-confidence vote on the current administration, if yea, we hold additional elections. The result of the elections should be the replacement of those in all three branches of government, executve, legislative, and judicial. Institute term limits and campaign contribution limits. Destroy the slanted media that is owned by globalist monopolies and replace the slackers with real jounalists who are willing to investigate and report without bias or the advertisers approval and stop using the White House and propaganda machines to do their reporting for them with prewritten news releases. Put the government to work for the people. Launch a Manhattan Project style search for the best, least expensive alternative fuel to drive this nation. Say goodbye to oil and the Middle East will have to go to work instead of fighting with everyone who doesn't believe as they do. Find a way to provide health care insurance at a low cost by re-doing the entire medical system in this country. Take the power away from global coporations. Create American jobs at home for America people.While government statistics show our unemployment rate to be around 6 percent, some experts estimate that it is really between 10 and 11 percent if all the Americans who have exhausted unemployment benefits and just given up looking for work were counted. Put every American who needs an income to work. No more illegal aliens--no excuses--you go back home. Slow immigration and make sure those who threaten this county leave this country. No more enemy aliens (an alien living in a country that is at war with his own country). Promote family life, encourage young couples--with affordable housing and community support. Nationalize all foreign holdings in the US. Kick BP out. Fumigate the Department of Education--house clean. Revamp the education system with a new hands on approach to education. Tell the truth in textbooks--no international propaganda. Get international policy institutes out of our decision making process. Stop the dangerous trade with China and the import of its goods to the US. Tell the Pacific Rim that it's on its own. Eliminate the United Nations and the World Bank. They want to destroy the sovereign country of the United States of America. Allow the American citizen to excel and continue to do the miraculous job of growing the nation that it did before 2000. Send the Bush family to the moon or Madagascar or Mexico, but get them and all their cronies out of this country. Here's my question to you--can you do this, do you have the will or are you too dazed and beaten down, American? Well get off you behind or your knees, whatever, and let's go--let's turn our country around!
You obviously could do a much better job than those in charge now. Run for office and change things. It isn't just your right as an American citizen, it is essentially your duty to correct the wrongs you see. Back up those statements with action. Get involved and you can make a difference. (Like that 18 yr/old mayor in Ohio.) g-day!
I agree with you on everything except the idolizing part. Police, firefighters and the military are doing hard and dangerous jobs that are under appreciated, same goes for the health care industry, and those that are managing our economy and infrastructure, they are under appreciated jobs as well. I totally agree with you on how over idolized the spoiled athletes are, as well as spoiled movie stars and musicians! Pop culture is sickening these days.
All I've known is that since about the 60's people have been taught and directed more and more (through the past 40 years) to not take responsibility for their own actions. Government in the mean time, bows to peoples' ignorance and inability to fend for themselves in any way possible, just to win favor through votes and whatever other fascinations that help promote their political objectives. There's not many government elected officials that actually give a hoot about you, your future, your family or your livelihood.
I swear, how stupid are people here? I'm watching this piece on TV about the high murder rate in Philadelphia, and Anderson Cooper is essentially blaming it on the high number of guns in the city and gun laws in Pennsylvania. GIVE ME A BREAK! How about blaming the drug dealers and thugs in the city? That's why the guns are there! How about blaming the economy and poverty there! I just love that people here are still trying to figure out why schools are so bad. Hmmm, maybe it's because schools hire the crappiest, dumbest teachers and the laws have basically encouraged kids not to respect or listen to teachers in class? Maybe it's the idiot parents who think school is just for babysitting? I love how people here encourage the war in Iraq, the idolatry of the military, police, firefighters and sports stars over health care, a stable economy and a proper infrastructure! Are monkeys in control of America?
Politics - 18 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
I picture a monkey with one of those goofy grins on his face right now. Everyone has the answers to Americas problems but no one seems to have any viable solutions.
Maybe. And YA.
I full heartedly agree. All good points.
Yes, and the president is the head chimp:
not monkeys, I think it is elephant maybe soon it well be a donkey...... But either way america has a lot of serious internal problems to deal with instead of trying to be the biggest bully to the world.
Liberalism is to blame Liberals made soft-on-crime laws Liberals prevented honest people from having guns to protect themselves
1. The saying "You get the government you deserve" usually applies 2. If a person focuses on the negative, they will become negative 3. Anyone can change their circumstances, IF they want to. It usually involves some hard work, which some people are allergic to .
I - sort of - I think agree with you - except about the education part. If we spent one TENTH of the half-trillion dollars that George Bush has SQUANDERED on the bogus "war" in Iraq, on health care AND education, we could fund every "liberal" plan on the table. I do not understand why people don't get this.
How about placing the blame where it belongs...on the people that commit the acts.
guns don't kill people , people kill people... Cooper is a socialist puppet controlled by the liberals...
I don't 100% agree... I believe that the American Populace is acting like Children thinking it is the Government's responsibility to take care of them. The Government is simply taking advantage of that in consolidating more and more power. Healthcare is not the Government's responsibility, heck, I don't trust the government in terms of health care at all. A stable economy doesn't come through government intervention, it comes through the people making the economy stable, by not being stupid. Proper Infrastructure, that is on are where I believe it is the government's responsibility; of course since they can't handle this, do we really want them handling our healthcare?
well if it is you are still an infant just like anderson cooper you want to blame an entity that has no more influence on humans than a grain of sand ITS PEOPLE WHO SHOOT PEOPLE PEOPLE WHO DON'T STUDY NO ONE LIKES WAR ...911 CHANGED IT ALL AGAIN ITS PEOPLE WHO KILL PEOPLE not airplanes, handguns or textbooks... but when you get alittle older maybe you will realize the government does not know best how to run your life YOU DO... but until then you have your real puppet masters hillary and obomma " telling you : what you need , IF ONLY YOU WILL GIVE THEM CONTROL OVER EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE .. dont you get it dude ?
1. Americans aren't smart enough to understand the real issues and real solutions require more brains, skill and diplomacy than your average politician possesses. 2. America's policies are driven by the special interest groups who own the politicians. 3. News program ratings would drop if they presented their viewers with a real analysis of the problems and solutions. Chronic consumers of mass media just don't have the attention span for that type of thing.
OK fella, check this out. Did you see Anderson Cooper during Katrina? Talk about a journalist in training! Even my tree hugging, fish kissing mother was appalled at his lack of professionalism. We all know Katrina was bad, the pictures spoke louder and more clearly than that idiot Cooper. He has proven himself to be nothing more than the laughingstock of the journalism world (if you take the NYT out of qualifying). Typical Democrat practice is to blame an object we can keep out of the children's hands. No personal Responsibility. It is all the fault of the Constitution! I think we all should exhume the founding fathers so we can hang them all from the gallows! How could they let guns become the property of people!
Here's what we need to do to change things: Our country, for the average American citizen, is almost destroyed. We need to put politicians in both parties on notice. We keep the Constitution, hold special elections--first have a yea or nay no-confidence vote on the current administration, if yea, we hold additional elections. The result of the elections should be the replacement of those in all three branches of government, executve, legislative, and judicial. Institute term limits and campaign contribution limits. Destroy the slanted media that is owned by globalist monopolies and replace the slackers with real jounalists who are willing to investigate and report without bias or the advertisers approval and stop using the White House and propaganda machines to do their reporting for them with prewritten news releases. Put the government to work for the people. Launch a Manhattan Project style search for the best, least expensive alternative fuel to drive this nation. Say goodbye to oil and the Middle East will have to go to work instead of fighting with everyone who doesn't believe as they do. Find a way to provide health care insurance at a low cost by re-doing the entire medical system in this country. Take the power away from global coporations. Create American jobs at home for America people.While government statistics show our unemployment rate to be around 6 percent, some experts estimate that it is really between 10 and 11 percent if all the Americans who have exhausted unemployment benefits and just given up looking for work were counted. Put every American who needs an income to work. No more illegal aliens--no excuses--you go back home. Slow immigration and make sure those who threaten this county leave this country. No more enemy aliens (an alien living in a country that is at war with his own country). Promote family life, encourage young couples--with affordable housing and community support. Nationalize all foreign holdings in the US. Kick BP out. Fumigate the Department of Education--house clean. Revamp the education system with a new hands on approach to education. Tell the truth in textbooks--no international propaganda. Get international policy institutes out of our decision making process. Stop the dangerous trade with China and the import of its goods to the US. Tell the Pacific Rim that it's on its own. Eliminate the United Nations and the World Bank. They want to destroy the sovereign country of the United States of America. Allow the American citizen to excel and continue to do the miraculous job of growing the nation that it did before 2000. Send the Bush family to the moon or Madagascar or Mexico, but get them and all their cronies out of this country. Here's my question to you--can you do this, do you have the will or are you too dazed and beaten down, American? Well get off you behind or your knees, whatever, and let's go--let's turn our country around!
You obviously could do a much better job than those in charge now. Run for office and change things. It isn't just your right as an American citizen, it is essentially your duty to correct the wrongs you see. Back up those statements with action. Get involved and you can make a difference. (Like that 18 yr/old mayor in Ohio.) g-day!
I agree with you on everything except the idolizing part. Police, firefighters and the military are doing hard and dangerous jobs that are under appreciated, same goes for the health care industry, and those that are managing our economy and infrastructure, they are under appreciated jobs as well. I totally agree with you on how over idolized the spoiled athletes are, as well as spoiled movie stars and musicians! Pop culture is sickening these days.
All I've known is that since about the 60's people have been taught and directed more and more (through the past 40 years) to not take responsibility for their own actions. Government in the mean time, bows to peoples' ignorance and inability to fend for themselves in any way possible, just to win favor through votes and whatever other fascinations that help promote their political objectives. There's not many government elected officials that actually give a hoot about you, your future, your family or your livelihood.
Monday, May 2, 2011
How is Pennsylvania's school system?
How is Pennsylvania's school system?
More specifically, how is Philadelphia's school system? Harrisburg? Allentown? Pittsburgh?
Philadelphia - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
All pretty good.
I would say Philadelphia's school system still has a bad reputation, not including the elementary schools.
More specifically, how is Philadelphia's school system? Harrisburg? Allentown? Pittsburgh?
Philadelphia - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
All pretty good.
I would say Philadelphia's school system still has a bad reputation, not including the elementary schools.
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